
Showing posts from May, 2023

Benefits of Aikido

  Aikido is a Japanese martial art developed by Morihei Ueshiba in the early 20th century. It is based on the principles of non-resistance and the harmonization of energy, and its techniques focus on redirecting an attacker's momentum rather than using brute force to defeat them. Aikido has become popular around the world, including in New York City, where there are many dojos (training centers) dedicated to the practice of this art. Aikido New York is a term that can refer to any of the various Aikido dojos located in the city. These dojos offer training in Aikido for people of all levels of experience and fitness, from beginners to advanced practitioners. Aikido New York dojos vary in their approach to teaching and training, but all of them emphasize the core principles of Aikido, including the use of circular movements, the blending of energy, and the practice of techniques that are designed to redirect an attacker's energy. Training in Aikido offers many benefits, both ph